Tak se tedy ptám ... má někdo zájem o češtinu??
P.S. ptám se dopředu čeština ještě není, to jen metoda překladu je proto potřebuji pomoct s překladem
Sám 1233 řádků nedám .
Moderátor: Moderátoři
1001, "Tool Bar"
1011, "Cannot run on this version of Windows."
1012, "DirectX 8.0 or higher is not installed."
1013, "Not compatible with this processor."
1014, "Cannot run in 256-color graphics mode or below."
1015, "Cannot run with less than 1024 x 768 resolution."
1016, "Set the screen's DPI to a standard size."
1017, "RPG Maker VX Ace RTP is not installed."
1018, "%s is not found."
1019, "Failed to initialize RGSS."
1020, "Failed to initialize DirectX Audio."
1021, "Internal error."
1024, "License authentication successful."
1025, "License authentication successful."
1026, "Select the project location:"
1027, "Select the output folder:"
1028, "The project name contains invalid characters."
1029, "The folder name contains invalid characters."
1030, "The path name is too long."
1031, "A folder with that name already exists."
1032, "A file with that name already exists."
1033, "Failed to create folder."
1034, "Failed to copy folder."
1035, "Failed to create project."
1036, "This project file was created in a newer version of RPG Maker and cannot be loaded in this version."
1037, "Removing the read-only attribute to prevent malfunction."
1038, "Failed to remove read-only attribute."
1039, "Deleting the encrypted archive to prevent malfunction."
1040, "Failed to delete encrypted archive."
1041, "Failed to load data file."
1042, "Failed to load actor data."
1043, "Failed to load class data."
1044, "Failed to load skill data."
1045, "Failed to load item data."
1046, "Failed to load weapon data."
1047, "Failed to load armor data."
1048, "Failed to load enemy data."
1049, "Failed to load troop data."
1050, "Failed to load state data."
1051, "Failed to load animation data."
1052, "Failed to load tileset data."
1053, "Failed to load common event data."
1054, "Failed to load system data."
1055, "Failed to load area data."
1056, "Failed to load map info data."
1057, "Failed to load script data."
1061, "This feature is not available in the trial version."
1062, "You can only create up to 10 maps in the trial version."
1063, "You can only create up to 10 events in the trial version."
1064, "Script editing is not available in the trial version."
1065, "This project will be deleted because you are using the trial version."
1071, "Failed to create process."
1072, "Successfully compressed game data."
1073, "Failed to compress game data."
1074, "Cannot create any more maps."
1075, "Cannot create any more areas."
1076, "Cannot create any more events."
1077, "Delete '%s'?"
1078, "Delete these %d files?"
1079, "Enter a label name."
1080, "Set the position on the map."
1081, "The goods list is empty."
1082, "The specified text was not found."
1091, "f‰fCfZf“fX”F?OfT[fo[‚ÉÚ‘±‚A‚«‚Ü‚1‚n‚A‚µ‚1BfCf“f^[flfbfgÚ‘±‚âfZfLf…fŠfefBf\\ftfg‚IÝ’e‚É–â‘e‚a‚E‚c‚©‚2Šm”F‚I?aA?Ä“x‚¨ŽŽ‚µ‚‚3‚3‚cB"
1092, "f‰fCfZf“fX”F?OfT[fo[‚ÉÚ‘±‚A‚«‚Ü‚1‚n‚A‚µ‚1BfRf“fsf…[f^[‚I“ú•tÝ’e‚a3‚µ‚c‚©‚2Šm”F‚I?aA?Ä“x‚¨ŽŽ‚µ‚‚3‚3‚cB"
1093, "f‰fCfZf“fX”F?OfT[fo[‚ÉÚ‘±‚A‚«‚Ü‚1‚n‚A‚µ‚1B?‚µŽžŠÔ‚?’u‚c‚Ä?Ä“x‚¨ŽŽ‚µ‚‚3‚3‚cB\nfGf‰[fR[fh: %d"
1094, "f‰fCfZf“fX‚I”F?O‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚1Bfvf?f_fNfgfL[‚?‚2Šm”F‚I?aA?Ä“x‚¨ŽŽ‚µ‚‚3‚3‚cB"
1095, "f‰fCfZf“fX‚I”F?O‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚1B‚±‚IfAfJfEf“fg‚Íf?fbfN‚3‚e‚Ä‚c‚Ü‚·B"
1096, "f‰fCfZf“fX‚I”F?O‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚1BfAfNfefBfx[fg‰n”‚a’´‰ß‚µ‚Ä‚c‚Ü‚·B"
1097, "f‰fCfZf“fX‚I”F?O‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚1BfAfNfefBfx[fVf‡f“‚I—LOoŠúOA‚a’´‰ß‚µ‚Ä‚c‚Ü‚·B"
1098, "f‰fCfZf“fX‚I”F?O‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚1B?‚µŽžŠÔ‚?’u‚c‚Ä?Ä“x‚¨ŽŽ‚µ‚‚3‚3‚cB"
1099, "Cannot initialize CoGen DRM. Please try installing the software again."
1101, "Open Project"
1102, "New Map"
1103, "Map Properties"
1104, "New Area"
1105, "Area Properties"
1106, "Area Position"
1107, "Database"
1108, "New Event"
1109, "Edit Event"
1110, "To Next Level"
1111, "Total"
1112, "[%d, %d, %d, %d]"
1113, "Weapon:"
1114, "Shield:"
1115, "Weapon 1:"
1116, "Weapon 2:"
1117, "Weapon"
1118, "Shield"
1119, "Weapon 1"
1120, "Weapon 2"
1151, "Level"
1152, "EXP"
1153, "HP"
1154, "MP"
1155, "MHP"
1156, "MMP"
1157, "ATK"
1158, "DEF"
1159, "MAT"
1160, "MDF"
1161, "AGI"
1162, "LUK"
1163, "HIT"
1164, "EVA"
1165, "CRI"
1166, "CEV"
1167, "MEV"
1168, "MRF"
1169, "CNT"
1170, "HRG"
1171, "MRG"
1172, "TRG"
1173, "TGR"
1174, "GRD"
1175, "REC"
1176, "PHA"
1177, "MCR"
1178, "TCR"
1179, "PDR"
1180, "MDR"
1181, "FDR"
1182, "EXR"
1191, "Normal"
1192, "Key Item"
1193, "Yes"
1194, "No"
1201, "None"
1202, "One Enemy"
1203, "All Enemies"
1204, "1 Random Enemy"
1205, "2 Random Enemies"
1206, "3 Random Enemies"
1207, "4 Random Enemies"
1208, "One Ally"
1209, "All Allies"
1210, "One Ally (Dead)"
1211, "All Allies (Dead)"
1212, "The User"
1221, "Always"
1222, "Only in Battle"
1223, "Only from the Menu"
1224, "Never"
1241, "Weapon"
1242, "Shield"
1243, "Head"
1244, "Body"
1245, "Accessory"
1251, "Certain Hit"
1252, "Physical Attack"
1253, "Magical Attack"
1261, "None"
1262, "HP Damage"
1263, "MP Damage"
1264, "HP Recover"
1265, "MP Recover"
1266, "HP Drain"
1267, "MP Drain"
1268, "No"
1269, "Yes"
1271, "None"
1272, "Attack an enemy"
1273, "Attack anyone"
1274, "Attack an ally"
1275, "Cannot move"
1281, "None"
1282, "Action End"
1283, "Turn End"
1291, "Escape"
1301, "Dual Wield"
1302, "Dual Accessory"
1311, "Auto Battle"
1312, "Guard"
1313, "Substitute"
1314, "Preserve TP"
montytrollic píše:Jinak kolik lidí tu vůbec je jakože members?
Zatím odpovídáš jen ty feryk
feryk píše: a na forum píšem důležité věci a nespamuje se tu.
montytrollic píše:No jo no . Já mám vždick takouvou smůlu na fora, vždycky když najdu nějaký dobrý co mě zajíma , tak je bud offline nb už není aktivní...
feryk píše:Tak to nech nepřeložený a uvidíš, co to udělá.
Vivi píše:"Tiles" by se dalo dobře přeložit jako "políčka", příp. "pole".
Zpět na Tipy, triky, rady a tutoriály k RPG Makeru VX/Ace
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